
Constitution of Association

Association of School Principals & Inspection Officers


Constitution of Association of School Principals & Inspection Officers

Article 1.         Nomenclature

                        This organisation shall be known as        “Association of School Principals and     Inspection Officers”, hereinafter called           ASPIO.

Article 2.         Aims and Objectives

(1)                The ASPIO will strive to promote the cause of education in the State and extend co-operation to the State Government for the quality improvement of education.
(2)                The ASPIO will organise seminars, debates and symposiums on the vital topics of education system.
(3)                The ASPIO will enhance the dignity and status of the cadre.
(4)                The ASPIO will struggle for the better conditions of service for its members.
(5)                The ASPIO will work for national unity and integration.

Article 3.         Membership  
            (1)        The membership of  ASPIO shall be                   open to all the Principals and other                      officers of the Department of                                 Education working in the same                           cadre or on the senior positions                           and must have been promoted from                    its share.
            (2)        The membership fee will be Rupees                   Five Hundred for the one tenure of                     the ASPIO.
            (3)        The membership fee will be                               collected by a member of the                             ASPIO duly authorised by the State               or District Body.
            (4)        The share of the State Body will be                    sixty percent and that of the District                   forty percent.
            (5)        Whole amount so collected by                            means of membership, collection or                    grant shall be deposited by the       
                        collectors with the State Cashier                         after deducting the District share                        only.

Article 4.         Termination of  Membership
(1)                A person, otherwise eligible to become a member of ASPIO, who does not pay the membership shall cease to be a member of ASPIO.
(2)                A person who indulges in anti ASPIO activities will be ousted by a majority of members present and voting in the State Executive. This is mandatory for the State Executive to give a chance of explanation to the person so accused.
(3)                A person who has been expelled from membership shall be given membership after a resolution by the State Executive only.
(4)                A member who is transferred to another District will cease to be in the Executive of that District but will continue if a member of State Body.
(5)                A member who is convicted by a court in any case will automatically cease to be the member  of ASPIO.
(6)                A member who attains the age of superannuation will automatically cease to be a member & an office bearer from the date of retirement.
(7)                A member who submits resignation  as government servant to the department will lose  membership with immediate effect.
(8)                A member who volunteers to quit ASPIO may tender resignation and will cease to be a member as soon as the resignation is accepted by the State President or District President for their respective bodies.

Article 5.         Tenure

The tenure of the ASPIO will be two years.
(1)                The State General House on the recommendation of the State Executive can extend its tenure up to a maximum of six months.

Article 6.         Quorum
The quorum for the General House of the District and State Body will be one tenth of the total membership at the time of District / State Elections.
(1)                The quorum for the State and District Executive meetings will be one fifth of the office bearers. 
(2)                If a meeting is adjourned due to the lack of quorum it will be recalled at a later stage and section (1) of article 6 will be ineffective for the rescheduled meeting.

Article 7.     Composition of  ASPIO
            The ASPIO will consist of  :
(1)                The District Body.
(2)                The State Body.

Article 8.         ASPIO at District Level
(1)                All the members of ASPIO will form the General House at District level.
(2)                All the members will cast their vote in the elections for the District Executive.
(3)                The elections for the District Body will be notified by the State Body.
Article 9.         District Executive

            (1)        The District Body must elect                              following office-bearers at the                            District level :
            (i)  President     (ii)  Sr. Vice President
            (iii)  Vice Presidents [2]   (iv)     Gen.     Secretary (v)  Joint Secretary  (vi)  Finance        Secretary         (vii)  Ten members of the             Executive unanimously or by      voting.
            (2)        All the decisions in the District                           Executive will be taken by a                               majority vote.

Article 10.       Duties of the District President

(1)        The President will :
(i)                  preside over the meetings of the General House and Executive at District level.
(ii)                take such steps that the fraternity of the ASPIO flourish day by day.
(iii)               take such measures which are necessary for the implementation of the decisions of the District and State Executives.
(iv)              brief the media of the decisions taken in the District Executive.
(v)                accord sanctions to the expenses of the District Body.

(2)        The Senior Vice President will perform all          the duties of the President in his absence.

(3)        If the post of the President is caused vacant        due to any reason, there will be no by-    elections. The Senior Vice President will    automatically take over as the President. But this change is to be ratified by the District General House in its meeting convened within three months by the General Secretary. 

(4)        The Vice Presidents will assist the President as and when desired by the latter.

(5)        The General Secretary will :       
            (i)         lookafter the organisation in the                          District.
            (ii)        convene the meetings of the                               General House and Executive as                        directed by the President.
            (iii)       be responsible for all kinds of                             correspondence of the District                            Executive.
(iv)              initiate the steps for the implementation of the decisions taken by the District Executive and General House.
(v)                maintain all the records of the ASPIO at District level.

(6)        Joint Secretary will assist the General     Secretary.

(7)        The Finance Secretary  will :
(i)         collect all the subscriptions.
(ii)        receive contributions and donations.
(iii)               pay the expenses out of District collection after authentication by the President on the bills.
(iv)              maintain all the financial accounts of District.
(v)                present the Income-Expenditure Report in the General Elections at District level.

(8)        All other office bearers elected / nominated        as per Article 9 (2) will be assigned duties           by the President.

Article 11.       ASPIO at State Level

It  will consist of General House and State Executive Council.
1.         General House :
(1)   The General House of ASPIO will consist          of members as per clause (1) of Article 3.
(2)   There must be atleast one meeting of the            General House once in a year.
(3)   The General Secretary on the decision and          direction of        the Steering Committee will summon the         meeting of the   General House at a place and     date      suggested by the State President.

2.         The State Executive  :
(1)                Chief Patron
(2)                Patrons
(3)                Chief Advisor
(4)                Advisors
(5)                President
(6)                Sr. Vice President
(7)                Vice Presidents
(8)                General Secretary
(9)                Joint Secretaries
(10)            Finance Secretary
(11)            Secretary Head Quarter
(12)            Assistant Secretary Head Quarter
(13)            Press Secretaries
(14)            Chief Organising Secretary
(15)            Zonal Organising Secretaries
(16)            Auditors
(17)            Website Incharge
 (3)       All the Presidents and General Secretaries of the Districts will be ex-officio members of the State Executive.
(4)        Steering Committee :
            (i)         It will have five members                                   including the State President and                        General            Secretary.
            (ii)        It is mandatory for the State                               President to have consultation with                     this committee before resorting to                 an action by the ASPIO.
(5)        Legal Advisory Committee :
The State Executive will have to get the views of the Legal Advisory Committee before moving to court in any case.
(6)        The State Executive can have any number of office bearers on one post.
(7)        The State Executive may create new posts / committees for special purposes.

Article 12.       Functions of State Executive
(1)        President :         The State President will :
            (i)         preside over the meetings of the                                     General House and other State                           Committees of the ASPIO.
            (ii)        tap every genuine source to get the                     maximum benefit for the members                      of ASPIO.
            (iii)       form the Women Cell to ensure and                    encourage the participation of the                       female members.
            (iv)       form sub-committees like:
(a)      Punjab Co-ordination Committee’,

(b)      HP Board of School Education Co-ordination Committee etc. and nominate members and Chairpersons to these committees.

(2)        The Senior Vice President will perform all          the duties of the President in his absence.

(3)        If the post of the President is caused vacant        due to any reason, there will be no by-    elections. The Senior Vice President will    automatically take over as the President. But this change is to be ratified by the State General House in its meeting convened within three months by the General Secretary. 

(4)        The Vice Presidents will assist the President as and when desired by the latter.

(5)        The General Secretary will :       
            (i)         lookafter the organisation in the                          State.
            (ii)        convene the meetings of the                               General House and Executive as                        directed by the President.
            (iii)       be responsible for all kinds of                             correspondence of the State                               Executive.
(vi)              initiate the steps for the implementation of the decisions taken by the State Executive and the State General House.
(vii)             maintain all the records of the ASPIO at State level.

(6)        Joint Secretary will assist the General     Secretary.

(7)        The Finance Secretary  will :
(i)         collect all the subscriptions.
(ii)        receive contributions and donations.
(vi)              pay the expenses out of State collection after authentication by the President on the bills.
(vii)             maintain all the financial accounts of State.
(viii)           present the Income-Expenditure Report in the General Elections at State level.

(8)        All other office bearers elected / nominated        as per Article 11 (2) will be assigned duties         by the President.

Article 13.       Elections

1.                     Elections will be held first for District      Bodies and then State Executive once in             two years.        
2.                     The Steering Committee of ASPIO will decide the dates and venues for the elections      of the    State and District Bodies and     appoint the Election       Observers and   Returning Officers for the same. The     General Secretary of ASPIO will notify       these dates.
3.                     The Steering Committee may supersede             provisions of Article 13 clause (4) & (5) in          exceptional cases.
4.         The elections of the District and State     Bodies will be conducted as per clause (1)          of Article 9.
5.         The notification of the elected Executives           of the Districts will be circulated within   three weeks and that of the State within a    month by the General Secretary of the    District and State respectively.

Article 14.       Removal from Office

1.         The President and General Secretary can           be removed from office by the General   House of ASPIO.
2.         Atleast 25 percent of the total members of          ASPIO will serve a written and signed    notice to the General Secretary for the           removal of the President.
3.         The General Secretary will call the meeting         of the General House within 45 days.
4.         To remove the General Secretary the notice        as per Article 14 clause 2 will be given to            the President. The President will call the     meeting within 45 days.
5.         The President or the Secretary, as the case         may be, should be given atleast 30 minutes          time to vindicate their positions.
6.         The motion to oust the President / General          Secretary should be adopted by two third of        those members present in the meeting.
7.         The removal of the President and General           Secretary will also mean the removal of their Executives.
8.         Contents of  article 14 will be effective in            the Districts also.

Article 15.                   T.A. & D.A.
            T.A. will be paid to the office bearers of the State and District Bodies only for attending official meetings with the government sought and for conducting District and State elections deployed by the steering Committee.

Article 16.       Audit
            The audit of the funds will be conducted by the auditors of ASPIO. They will prepare a report or recommendations in writing which will be presented by the General Secretary in the General House of Election Meeting.

Article 17.       Interpretation of the Constitution
            (1)        In case of any clarification or                             interpretation of the  provisions of                       the Constitution of ASPIO the                                 members of the Constitution                               Committee and Chairman of the                    Legal Advisory Committee                                 will decide the matter.
            (2)        The provisions of Article 17 (1) will                    automatically be suppressed by the                     decision of a judicial court.
            (3)        The amendments, to the                                     constitution, if any, will first be                            passed by the State Executive and                         presented before the General                             House. Such amendments will                            come into force from the date these                    are adopted by the General House.

Article 18.       Implementation of this                                   Constitution
                        (1)        The State Executive will                                    discuss minutely the                                           provisions of                                                      the constitution presented                       by the Chairman of the                                     Constitution Committee.
            (2)        The provisions of the constitution                        will be implemented from the date                      of its passing by the State Executive               as a stop gap arrangement.
            (3)        The President of ASPIO will                              present the draft of the Constitution                    before the General House in its first                        forthcoming meeting. The                                  amendments passed by a majority                         vote will be incorporated in the                           Constitution.

Article 19.       Adoption of Constitution

            The constitution will completely come into force from the date on which it is adopted by the General House.                      

Signatures of the Draft Committee :
 (1)                   _________________________
            (K.D. Sharma GSSS Jaisinghpur, Kangra)

(2)                    _________________________
            (O.P. Vashishth GSSS Silh, Kangra)

(3)                    _________________________
            (Anil Nag GSSS Ballah, Kangra)

(4)                    _________________________
            (B.K. Sharma GSSS Badaran, Hamirpur)

Signatures of the State Executive Members:




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